| 1. | Stars are born from a kind of primal soup known as the interstellar medium . 恒星是由一种称为星际介质的“原汤”形成的。 |
| 2. | A star is formed when a cloud of gas collapses from the interstellar medium toward high density . 一个气体云自星际物质中坍缩,密度达到很高时,即形成了一个恒星。 |
| 3. | What new information have we gleaned about the comparatively dense gas-dust complexes of the interstellar medium over the past dozen years ? 过去的十几年里,有关星际介质的较密气尘复合体我们探明了哪些新东西呢? |
| 4. | Simple laws of physics suggest, that gas-dust complexes in the interstellar medium may evolve, first into protostars and subsequently into stars . 简单的物理学定律揭示出,星际介质中的气尘复合体可以进化,先是演化为原恒星,接下去再演化为恒星。 |
| 5. | The outer layers of the star crashed into the interstellar medium , driving a shock wave that is still visible today 这颗星的外层撞到星际物质,由其产生的冲击波至今仍然可见。 |
| 6. | In a relatively short time ( about 1000 years ) the entire shells will be ejected into space , joining the gas and dust in the interstellar medium 在相对较短的一段时间里(大约1000年)整个壳层将被抛入太空,加入到星际介质的气体和尘埃中。 |
| 7. | As gas flies away from the detonated star , it decays and reacts with the interstellar medium , producing light in many different colors and energy bands 当气体从爆炸的中心远离时,它的亮度会减弱,并和附近的星际介质发生交互作用,产生各种颜色和波段的光。 |
| 8. | Introduction to astronomy provides a quantitative introduction to physics of the solar system , stars , interstellar medium , the galaxy , and universe , as determined from a variety of astronomical observations and models 天文学导论这门课提供了对太阳系、恒星、星际介质、星系及宇宙等的物理入门。这些都建立在各种的天文观测及模型的基础下。 |
| 9. | Systems as diverse as the early universe , the interstellar medium , red giant stars , and supernova explosions are currently the focus of intense studies utilizing sophisticated computer models - models which require large quantities of nuclear data as input 如早期的宇宙,星际介质,红巨星,超新星爆, x -射线爆和-射线爆等多样的系统,这些核天体过程是利用复杂的计算机模型,进行重点研究的焦点。 |
| 10. | It says that the stars indeed rotate at different speed , but the density of the interstellar medium form a wave . at the wave front , where the density is higher , star formation is enhanced . that is why we find young stars along the spiral arms and old stars elsewhere 这个理论认为虽然恒星会以不同速度移动,但星际物质的密度会产生波动,在密度最高的波阵面会催生出新的恒星,这解释了为何通常在旋臂会找到新生恒星,而在其他地方只有古老恒星的原因。 |